Feminist Movements and Climate Justice in Middle East and North Africa

Feminist movements and women’s rights organisations are amongst the oldest, most developed, and well-organized movements in the MENA region. They have been accredited for social change and the promotion of gender justice despite enormous challenges. However, in a region that is characterised by inequality and hard-hit by climate change, disproportionally affecting vulnerable groups including women and girls, it is remarkable that demands for climate justice are not yet central to the current feminist priorities in the MENA region, where scattered efforts have yet to develop into feminist climate justice movement.

The purpose of this report is to provide knowledge around means and priorities to support feminist climate justice movement building in the MENA region. Findings are drawing on data from 22 in-depth interviews with feminist activists, women environmental activists, and international organsations; and a survey to which 140 feminist and women’s rights activists from across the region has participated.

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