Gender, women’s rights, environment and climate change in Rwanda

In recent years, Rwanda has increased its efforts to monitor, reverse or manage the effects of climate change and causes of environmental degradation. But despite a wide range of programmes and strategies implemented, the country ranks amongst those most vulnerable to climate change.

Women’s lives are uniquely impacted by climate change and environmental degradation: Natural disasters and severe seasonal variations such as floods, erosions and droughts exacerbate underlying gender inequalities, increase incidences of sexual gender-based violence and enhance socio-economic vulnerabilities for women and girls.

This report provides an analysis of the intersection of gender, women’s rights, the environment and climate change in the Rwandan context. It includes conclusions and recommendations on how to address the unique impact of climate change on women and girls’ lives in Rwanda, and how organisations can be environmentally sustainable in their operations.

Download the report in English here (pdf)