The study “From Law to Practice” was prepared at the beginning of 2019 by 16 representatives of WCSOs guided by experienced expert. The research methodology involved a desk study Literature Review and semi-structured qualitative interviews conducted with 27 representatives of local machinery for gender equality. Nine municipalities in the Republic of North Macedonia were included in the data collection and research sample. The process of preparation of this study was important for capacity development and strengthening the research skills of the WCSO representatives involved. This comprehensive baseline study can be further used by the organisations for their own analysis or project proposal preparation.
The overall goal of this study is to determine the functionality of the local commissions for equal opportunities for women and men and of the coordinators for equal opportunities for women and men in the Vardar and East regions in North Macedonia, to identify their needs and subsequently, detect opportunities, ie. adequate mechanisms for advancement of their overall functionality. The authors suggested set of tailors made short-term, medium-term and long-term recommendations to overcome the chainages and improve the equal opportunities until the gender equality is fully achieved on local level.
Download the report in Macedonian:
From Law to Practice – How Functional are the Local Mechanisms for Gender Equality